Library plays an important role in Enhancing & Sustaining the quality of
higher education. It is a collection of Information, Sources, Resources, Text books,
Reference books and its Reference, circulation, and extension activities are under
taken by library through celebration of Library week, Book Exhibition, Special
education and user education programme. Library services are means of sharing
knowledge to wide spectrum of users’ community.
Our College Library has named by the name of Donor’s mother name Smt
Vasanthidevi Baldota Library. Inaugurated on 26.04.2003, library is fully furnished
with 100 seats in Reading Room
Our Library committee has a primary goal of the Library is to develop and maintain
collections Which supports the curriculum and a instructional programmes of the
College, To fulfill the need based Educational Support to the Students and Faculty
.As per the direction of Library Committee .
Monday –Friday :
08.30 a.m -
05.00 p.m
08.30 a.m - 01.30 p.m
During Examination:08.30 a.m - 05.30 p.m
After class hour’s library is providing services and during mid-term and
summer vacations library remain kept open for the users
Librarian who can be described as the manger of the library is concerned
with administration. The Library advisory committee will help the librarian in
proper managerial function of the Library
Library service is confined to the readers the membership is given to students.
Faculty and on with a special permission alumni students will be given
Library general rules of books barrow and reference rules were informed in
membership application and printed on cards
Committee consists:
Principal – President Members:
B.A. Course 1 Faculty Members
B.Com Course 1Faculty Member
Students Representatives:
Chinthana Bharthi –Elected Members